Massage Therapy
Massage is a truly magical experience, offering benefits that extend from a cellular level to a soulful transformation. It can profoundly enhance your overall sense of wellbeing in ways that truly might surprise you. This approach and belief is what I am truly passionate about providing.
After a period of stepping back from massage in order to become a certified health and wellness coach, I return to my massage practice with a renewed focus on the art of relaxation, an often underestimated yet crucial benefit in today's busy and stressful world.
If you seek a massage that allows you to fully unplug and decompress, my approach is perfect for you. I also offer a combination massage that is both relaxing and effective in relieving tension. However, I do not provide deep tissue massage to the point of causing pain for either of us. If you have a high pain tolerance and desire intense pressure, I may not be the therapist for you. Pressure preferences can be subjective, so if you are on the fence, please reach out so we can have a conversation to determine what’s best for you.
1 hr 30 min
50 US dollarsLoading days...
20 US dollarsLoading days...
10 US dollars