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8 Focus Areas to Support Your Personal Health Plan

Health and wellbeing are vital to a life well lived. But what it means to be healthy and well looks different for everyone. It even looks different for you at different ages and stages of your life.

So, how can you create a personal health plan that works for you? We believe that by focusing on eight areas of wellbeing, you can create a more holistic approach to your health.

By first reflecting on and understanding what you want for your health, you can create your vision – the foundation for why wellbeing is important to you and what obstacles are standing in your way.

Health and wellbeing begins by:

  • Engaging our minds in ways that nurture our mental and emotional states

  • Respecting our bodies

  • Thinking about what gives us strength to live our lives

  • Connecting with ourselves and each other in meaningful ways

My Lotus WellBeing, our proprietary framework and supporting app, looks at eight areas of wellbeing:

Graphic of 8 areas of wellbeing

Healthy Body

This includes our physical activity level, energy levels, and flexibility. It’s important to find ways to incorporate movement into our lives in ways that meet our individual needs, are enjoyable, and sustainable.

Healthy Mind

Our mental and emotional state make up our mind. Thoughts are powerful and can affect our physical, mental, and emotional health. Changing our mindset can aid in healing and coping.


What we eat and drink can have a huge effect on how we experience life, both physically and mentally. It’s key to use food to fuel our minds and bodies.

Restful Sleep

Our bodies and minds need restful sleep to optimize our health. It’s essential for our body and brain to heal, repair, and prepare for the next day.

Physical Environment

Including our work and home environments, as well as the outdoors, our physical environment can affect our health and outlook on life. It’s important to create an environment that supports our overall health and wellbeing.

Fulfillment & Purpose

Everyone has a purpose in life – your unique talent to share with others. Finding and living our purpose can give us a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Creativity & Play

When we give our brains time and space to play, it can wander off into innovative new territory. Make time for things that are inspiring and make your heart sing.


Our relationships have a significant effect on our physical and emotional health. It’s important to have deep and meaningful relationships with people or pets in our lives and/or community.

Here’s how you can get started using the My Lotus WellBeing framework to help you create your personal health plan:

1. Reflect on your current wellbeing. Take some time to reflect on each of the eight focus areas. What’s going well? What areas would you like to improve?

2. Set goals. Once you have a good understanding of your current wellbeing, you can start to set goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve in each of the eight focus areas?

3. Create a plan. Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to create a plan to achieve them. What steps do you need to take? What resources do you need?

4. Take action. The most important step is to take action on your plan. Start making small changes in each of the eight focus areas.

5. Review and adjust your plan as needed. Over time, your needs and goals may change. Be sure to check in and make changes as you progress.

Our unique mobile app, My Lotus WellBeing, is now on the Apple App Store! Plan your unique journey to healthy and joyful living by defining your personal vision for wellbeing, goals and actions, and creating a wellbeing journal to track your progress.


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